Monday 7 November 2011

Just Being You.....

Some days the normal and the ordinary just seem so suffocating.... you look around and can't help but wish for something else.....

anything else.... not just another life, another home sometimes a whole other world....

somewhere where its just the way you want it... where its just you and your thoughts or no thoughts... where you can come and go as you please... sing or dance.... eat or sleep.... where with every step you take everything around you changes to suit you mood.... from fiery red skies to calm star studded deep purple ones.... from sand under you feet to forests and trees with flowers falling onto your hair....  from wild horses and wolves to majestic lions and tigers to curling up against an elephant trunk....where i'd have books for company and music all the time.... from running so fast i could fly.... from sleeping on a bed of flowers to a boat in the middle of the ocean...being alone being surrounded.... just so long as you get to be you.....

some days i can live in my head forever....... in my other world......

To walk around my other world... go here!

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